English German Die Daten und Informationen dienen auch der internen Prüfung und allfälligen Anpassungen der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie. Transparente Berichterstattung dienen der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung unseres Geschäftsmodells. Financial reports. In 2019, Roche reported approximately 14.1 billion Swiss francs of net income. Françoise Lehmann. European Sustainability Reporting Awards Commendation for an SME sustainability report memo AG (Germany) The report: • is very comprehensive • is a pleasure to read • describes objectives and responsibilities • allows for comparison and explains differences in time • has an innovative lay out Judges remarks on other sustainability reports Unfortunately, this is a very insidious virus and the development of a vaccine is challenging and takes a long time. We have an inclusive workplace where each individual is respected and can contribute fully. Nine-month 2020 Presentation. Ausserdem folgt Roche der internationalen Norm ISO 26000 (Leitfaden zur gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung). Letter from ceo Screening Precision oncology International Pipeline Sustainability Annual Meeting Details. Activities on healthy and sustainable buildings. Roche has been recognised as the most sustainable company in the Pharmaceuticals index of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) for the eleventh time. It is designed to improve efficiencies in case management by enabling case sharing to facilitate second opinions. Date of event requiring this shell company report … Diese werden auf Konzernebene konsolidiert. This great result is based on an independent analysis of our economic, social and environmental performance. … Novo Nordisk Annual Report 2019 accounts for our financial, social and environmental performance during the year in one integrated report. This website contains information on products which is targeted to a wide range of audiences and could contain product details or information otherwise not accessible or valid in your country. Unser Geschäftsbericht beinhaltet einen unabhängigen Prüfungsbericht von PricewaterhouseCoopers. 2016 Integrated Report; Chapter 4 of the Registration document 2016 (Grenelle II French law) Conflict minerals disclosure dated May 18, 2016; 2015 Financial reports. In 2019, more than 10,000 employees took part in our energy and resilience programmes. At the end of 2019, currency fluctuations had a positive impact of +2.1%. Annual Report 2019 01. PDF 227KB Notice of AGM (Swedish) PDF … This entails a commitment to working with many different partners to continuously and sustainably reduce the barriers that prevent or impede access to our products. The annual financial statements and the combined management report of the Merck Group and Merck KGaA for 2019 are filed with the electronic German Federal Gazette (elektronischer Bundesanzeiger) and are available on the website of the German company register. Wir decken alle Regionen und Divisionen im Zeitraum vom 1. English German Roche history. In this strategy we define our visions, ambitions, goals, and measures – for our six strategic themes and the three enablers that are the indispensable foundation of our business success. It covers all regions and divisions of the Roche Group from 1 January to 31 December 2019. It is geared towards laboratory administrators, histotechnicians and pathologists. Dear reader, The AMANN Group, as a global company, has a respon sibility towards customers, employees, society and the environment. Basierend auf diesen Rahmenwerken berichten wir über die wesentlichen ökologischen, gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen unserer Aktivitäten. Traditionally - Ahead of Our Time. AstraZeneca at a glance. The long-term thinking of our founders has allowed us to stay true to this vision. Annual Corporate Governance Report 2019 [PDF] 2.2 MB Our greatest contribution to society is lasting innovation. Annual Report 19; Finance Report 19; Roche in Brief 19; Roche Fact Sheet 19 ; Historic quarterly reporting. I am as o o o aoh os a o 6WDUSKDUPD LQZKLFKZHDFKLHYHGPDQ\VLJQL¿FDQWPLOHVWRQHV aoss o bsss m aoa o ahs omma as a oss h o hh oa a sa DEP ® asss W h o ah aG ® o os Die Nachhaltigkeits- und Finanzberichterstattung von Roche erfolgt in unserem Geschäftsbericht, Finanzbericht und im Onlinebericht. Notice of AGM. ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 Or. Diversity and inclusion is the engine of our innovation at Roche. Finance Report 2019. Discover L’Oréal’s 2019 Annual Report. We have a strong focus on improving the effectiveness of our people managers. This directly enhances our passion for bringing targeted medicines to patients. It is designed to improve efficiencies in case management by enabling case sharing to facilitate second opinions. Not only do we have the opportunity to create the world’s leading Consumer Health business but also to create a biopharma business, founded on today’s leading scientific platforms. Annual Report 2019. Transparente Berichterstattung dienen der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung unseres Geschäftsmodells. The net impact of changes in the scope of consolidation amounted to +0.8%. The financial reporting scope is defined and outlined in our Finance Report, and there have been no significant changes in scope in 2019 compared to 2018. 6 Boehringer Ingelheim Annual Report 2019. ROCHE Bilanz - hier erhalten Sie ausführliche Bilanzinformationen zur ROCHE Aktie. Daraus ergaben sich Themen, die wir für unser Geschäft und unsere Anspruchsgruppen als am relevantesten erachten. PDF 1,539KB Additional Information. Bölzle CEO and Chairman of the Management Board "IN THE HISTORY OF AMANN, INTEGRATING THE TEN PRINCIPLES OF THE UN GLOBAL COMPACT IS A LOGICAL STEP." 3. For over 120 years Roche has been committed to improving lives. A summary report on the business activities over the previous year (including financial statements as a separate part). The event aims to help them explore and unlock the possibilities of science with the UKâs leading scientific heavyweights. The sustainability report is our communication to all stakeholders on our progress in five sustainability focus areas: Leading the change on healthy and sustainable buildings ; Energy and climate ; People first; Towards zero waste; Responsible sourcing; Sustainability report 2019 Read online. Otherwise, we will assume you're OK to continue. Annual Report 2019. AstraZeneca Sustainability Report 2019 5 Sustainability approach Access to healthcare Environmental protection Ethics and transparency Notices. By providing everyone with the opportunity for career development, we ensure the growth of our single largest investment â our employees â and, in turn, the success of our organisation. We have been committed to mitigating environmental impact and climate change for many years, proactively seeking new, more sustainable technologies to achieve this goal. Brands overview PLAY VIDEO CLOSE VIDEO. Annual Report 2019; Historic quarterly reporting; Finance information tool; Pipeline; Diagnostics news; Sustainability download center; Dividend calendar; Total return center; Frequently asked questions; US investors; Contacts; Sustainability at Roche; Non-financial reporting; Non-financial reporting . › Read more. Prospects by Jean-Paul Agon Read more. PDF 258KB Strategic Report. Sustainability Report 2019 [PDF] 12.3 MB ; LBG Assurance Statement 2019 [PDF] 31 KB ; Report on tax transparency of the Iberdrola group: Our commitment to society [PDF] 20.9 MB ; Diversity and Inclusion Report 2019 [PDF] 5.2 MB ; Corporate Governance. The software’s Roche’s Commitment to Sustainability The long-term thinking of our founders has allowed us to stay true to this vision. PDF 1,216KB Additional Shareholder Communications. January 2019, Roche Diagnostics launched a universal digital pathology software. Our integrated corporate report combines financial and sustainability reporting to inform shareholders, employees and the interested public about the 2019 business year. Latest annual report Annual Report 2019 Highlights. Jedes Jahr erfassen wir Daten und Informationen von unseren Unternehmenseinheiten zu wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und umweltbezogenen Indikatoren. PDF 6,306KB Corporate Governance. This website contains information on products which is targeted to a wide range of audiences and could contain product details or information otherwise not accessible or valid in your country. Sustainability at Roche. The history of Roche. It includes comprehensive information about Lonza’s two main segments: Pharma Biotech & … For over 120 years Roche has been committed to improving lives. We are a global, science-led biopharmaceutical company. Annual report 2019. Read more Roche Group's net income from 2007 to 2019 (in million Swiss francs)* Annual Report 2019. Our primary contribution to healthcare is to invent and develop medicines and diagnostics that significantly improve peopleâs lives. Our Annual Report 2019 provides a comprehensive overview of Novartis, including our corporate governance, compensation practices, and operating and financial results. This report is … Annual Report 2019. The tool encourages Roche teams to design products with fewer toxic substances, lower resource demand, and to support the recycling or reuse of medical and pharmaceutical device components and packaging, among other circular economy goals. more. Wir verpflichten uns zu klarer, relevanter, ausgewogener sowie präziser Information an unsere Anspruchsgruppen. I Chairman’s letter Novartis delivered strong performance in 2019. SHELL COMPANY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 . It contains the annual !nancial statements, consolidated !nancial statements and non-!nancial performance indicators. Growth at constant exchange rates was +8.8%. You can change your cookie settings at any time. New product launches together with a disciplined focus on costs and operational efficiency helped us increase sales, operating income and operating profit margin. GRI-Standards und die Richtlinien des Europäischen Dachverbandes der Chemischen Industrie (CEFIC) setzen den Rahmen für unsere Berichterstattung. A summary report on the business activities over the previous year (including financial statements as a separate part). 9M 2020; HY 2020; Q1 2020; FY 2019; All; Nine-month 2020 Investor update. Annual Report 2019. GRI Index. Sense of Purpose L’Oréal has embarked on a fundamental transformation towards a more sustainable model. Durch die Nutzung dieser Webseite erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden. Die Daten und Informationen dienen auch der internen Prüfung und allfälligen Anpassungen der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie. Please be aware that we do not take any responsibility for accessing such information which may not comply with any legal process, regulation, registration or usage in the country of your origin. Please be aware that we do not take any responsibility for accessing such information which may not comply with any legal process, regulation, registration or usage in the country of your origin. English German Roche Personalised Healthcare. When acting sustainably, we also aim to provide a rewarding workplace, be a trustworthy partner and engage with the community. Sustainability report Type Size; Sustainability report 2019 pdf: 3 MB: Sustainability report 2018 pdf: 2 MB: Sustainability report 2017 pdf: 4 MB: Sustainability report 2016 pdf: 4 MB: Sustainability report … GRI standards and materiality L’Oréal in figures 29.87. billion euros of sales in 2019. GenerationeXt is hosted every year at Rocheâs Welwyn Garden City campus, giving A-Level students with a passion for science unprecedented behind-the-scenes access. Like-for-like, i.e. This is our fifth annual sustainability report, and it describes our progress and challenges from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019. Your browser is out of date and may not display this website properly. Wir verpflichten uns zu transparenter Berichterstattung und messen unseren ökonomischen, sozialen und ökologischen Erfolgen denselben Stellenwert bei wie unserem finanziellen Erfolg. Unsere Webseite verwendet Cookies, um Ihnen einen optimalen Service zu bieten. Es ist besonders erfreulich, dass eines der Entwicklungsziele dem Thema Gesundheit gewidmet ist (SDG 3). I Chairman’s letter Novartis delivered strong performance in 2019. Annual Report 2019. Group results In the first half of 2019, Group sales rose 9% to CHF 30.5 billion and core EPS grew 13%, ahead of sales. Der Berchtsumfang ist in unserem Finanzbericht beschrieben und hat sich 2019 gegenüber 2018 nicht wesentlich verändert. We use cookies to help provide you with a better service. ABB publishes 2019 annual report Press release | Zurich, Switzerland | 2020-02-26 ABB Ltd has published its 2019 annual report on its website and has filed the annual report on Form 20-F with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Nine-month 2020 Presentation with appendix. The Sustainable Development Report 2019 tells the stories of SDG progress with charts, infographics and maps, and presents an in-depth analysis of selected indicators. In December 2019, the European Commission (EC) ... including our most recent annual report on Form 10-K and any subsequent periodic reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K. SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019 . We are committed to ensuring responsible supply practices to create sustainable value and to continually improve the standard of care for our patients. Bodo Th. Roche expects to further increase its dividend in Swiss francs. Die Konzernberichterstattung zur Nachhaltigkeit wird vom Corporate Sustainability Committees geführt und von PricewaterhouseCoopers geprüft. Roche Digital Annual Report 2019 shows how Roche's medicines are making an impact in the lives of patients We use cookies to give you the best online experience. of the Annual Report, the Finance Report and the online report. You can find more information about this strategy, as well as about the highlights from 2019, in this section. PDF 4,302KB Financial Statements. 2019 achievements. Annual Report on Form 20-F 2016; Registration document 2016 (in French) Half-year financial report 2016; CSR publications. Roche è in Italia da 120 anni con tutte le sue competenze, dalla farmaceutica alla diagnostica al monitoraggio del diabete, grazie al lavoro dei 1.200 dipendenti che ogni giorno si mettono all’opera per supportare i pazienti e chi se ne prende cura offrendo soluzioni in grado di prevenire, diagnosticare, monitorare e trattare malattie gravi, dando un contributo sostenibile alla società. Engagement, talent and culture is essential to us in order to create a great working environment for our people. We encourage everyone who works at Roche to build their careers and pursue their passions. We are investing in energy efficiency measures and importantly, enlisting support from our people to help us minimise our impact. 2019 Sales. SUSTAINABILITY PUT INTO PRACTICE SINCE 1 854. Informationen zum Datenerhebungsprozess für die Bereiche finanzielle Unterstützungen, Spenden und Sponsorbeiträge finden Sie hier. Wir haben eine Materialitätsanalyse mit Einbezug unserer wichtigsten Anspruchsgruppen durchgeführt. Sanofi’s financial reports, CSR and shareholder publications include annual reports, integrated reports and publications dedicated to individual shareholders For over 120 years Roche has been committed to improving lives. The content of this report is based on those sustainability issues deemed material through comprehensive stakeholder engagement and analysis. Our greatest contribution to society is lasting innovation. By using our website you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our cookie policy. English German Finance Report 2019. Global President Lancôme . Our sustainable business strategy is at the heart of our sustainability activities. #e !nancial reporting scope is de!ned and outlined in our Patients. Statement of Non-financial Information. Die Konzernberichterstattung zur Nachhaltigkeit wird vom Corporate Sustainability Committees geführt und von PricewaterhouseCoopers geprüft. Wir orientieren uns seit dem Jahr 2014 an den Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)-G4 Richtlinien und befolgen seit dem Berichtsjahr 2017 die GRI-Standards. In 2019, 9,000 managers participated in One80 reviews with more than 60,000 employees providing feedback to their managers. It is geared towards laboratory administrators, histotechnicians and pathologists. 3 Roche Holdings, Inc. - Annual Report 2019 – Consolidated Financial Statements biosimilars and non-comparable biologics or other reasons – could have a material adverse effect on the RHI Group’s business, results of operations or financial condition. Wir tragen zu mehreren NachhaltigkeitSzielen der 2030-Agenda der Vereinten Nationen (UN) und deren 169 Unterzielen bei. Our purpose: We push the boundaries of science to deliver life-changing medicines. Januar bis 31. STARPHARMA HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2019 3 DR AIE AIRLE, HIE EETIE OIER Th aoa oo o aG ® os a h b o hs a s a moa mso o h oma." Alle Informationen zu Umsatz, Gewinn, Dividende und GuV. Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2019. Unsere Performance Indikatoren im Überblick, Wir haben uns verpflichtet nach den GRI-Standards zu berichten. GSK Annual Report 2019 03 While GSK has a proud history of innovation, it was the exciting future ahead that made joining GSK irresistible. PDF 306KB Letter from the Chairman. View our 2019 Interactive Annual Report and learn more about our efforts in screening, precision oncology, international markets, and more. When acting sustainably, we also aim to provide a rewarding workplace, be a trustworthy partner and engage with the community. Lonza’s Annual Report 2019 covers the period 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2018. PDF 11,262KB Annual Report Downloads . New product launches together with a disciplined focus on costs and operational efficiency helped us increase sales, operating income and operating profit margin. TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 Or. Materialität. It covers all regions and divisions of the Roche Group from 1 January to 31 December 2019. Chugai by the Numbers (2019) Chugai’s Unique Strengths Using quantitative and comparable information and data, Chugai conducted an evaluation and analysis Hubertus von Baumbach Jean Scheftsik de Szolnok Carinne Brouillon Michael Schmelmer Michel Pairet In the area of animal health, the consequences of African swine fever hit our customers in China particularly hard. We discover, develop and commercialise Sustainability Performance Report 2019 Embracing sustainability Anna Gedda, Head of Sustainability, H&M Group, on the challenges our industry faces, the opportunities we have embraced – and the solutions that are out there, just waiting to be found. The software’s Roche’s Commitment to Sustainability Annual Report on Form 20-F 2015 Wir messen unsere Leistung anhand finanzieller und nichtfinanzieller Indikatoren. Im Einklang mit den GRI-Richtlinien haben wir 2014 eine Materialitätsanalyse durchgeführt. How medicines are making an impact in the lives of patients. Dezember 2019 ab. The long-term thinking of our founders has allowed us to stay true to this vision. Wir verpflichten uns zu klarer, relevanter, ausgewogener sowie präziser Information an unsere Anspruchsgruppen based on a comparable scope of consolidation and constant exchange rates, the sales growth of the L’Oréal group was +8.0%. We devote significant resources to innovation and suppliers are a vital component of delivering innovative solutions whilst operating in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.
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