Together they provide access to 14 centuries of European history from 300 to 1700. The IMB offers an unparalleled tool for medievalists to identify the contents of current work published throughout Europe, the Americas and the Asia-Pacific region. For more information, please contact this series' Publishing Manager. Brepolis Medieval & Early Modern Bibliographies gathers together the International Medieval Bibliography, the Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale, the International Directory of Medievalists, and the International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance. The International Medieval Bibliography (IMB) is one of three databases that is bundled together in the Brepolis Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies database. Brepolis Medieval & Early Modern Bibliographies gathers together the International Medieval Bibliography, the Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale, and the International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance. Philologie et typographie néolatines, Felsina Pittrice: The Lives of the Bolognese Painters, Geography and Cartography (Outside a Series), Giornale Italiano di Filologia - Bibliotheca, Greek Language & Literature (Outside a Series), Harvey Miller - Art History (Outside a Series), Harvey Miller Studies in the History of Culture, Histoires de famille. Cahiers 1 à 75 de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, Marcel Proust. Brepolis Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies. Brepolis Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies Description Combines records from the International Medieval Bibliography, Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale and International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance. Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies; International Medieval Bibliography (IBM) Mezinárodní středověká bibliografie vydávaná od roku 1967 pokrývá periodickou literaturu a texty o různých tématech ve středověkých studiích. The International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance (IBHR) is the international reference bibliography of academic publications on the Renaissance and the early modern period. Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies Comprend : International Medieval Bibliography, Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale, International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance - BREPOLiS Online Egyptological Bibliography: 1822-> TOCS-IN Bibliotheca Classica Selecta: 1992-> Corpus / Full text Acta Sanctorum - ProQuest (Chadwyk-Healey) Brepolis Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies. If so, please contact us at The International Medieval Bibliography comprises 465,000 articles, all of which are fully classified by date, subject and location, and provide full bibliographical records. Available Databases The Brepolis platform currently hosts the following online databases: Bibliographies Free-Standing Bibliographies L’Année philologique (APh) Bibliography of British and Ir… Together they provide access to 14 centuries of European history from 300 to 1700. Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Issues. © 2002-2015 Brepols Publishers NV - All rights reserved. Supplementa, Corpus of 15th-Century Painting in the Former Southern Netherlands, Corpus of Cuneiform Texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, A Corpus of Drawings in Midwestern Collections, Corpus of Gothic Sculpture in American Collections, Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture in American Collections, Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources - online, Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastiques – Fascicules, Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques - online, Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastiques – Volumes, Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques - online, Distinguished Contributions to the Study of the Arts in the Burgundian Netherlands, Durham Medieval and Renaissance Monographs and Essays, Durham Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Translations, Durham Publications in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Église, liturgie et société dans l'Europe moderne, Encyclopaedic Prosopographical Lexicon of Byzantine History and Civilization, Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World, Etudes (Institut Historique belge de Rome), Études de Philologie, d'Archéologie et d'Histoire Anciennes, European Yearbook of the History of Psychology, Farrago. Series B: Natural History, The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Cahiers 1 à 75 de la Bibliothèque nationale de France - Edition critique, Medieval and Early Modern Political Theology, Medieval and Modern Matters. About. Medieval and Early Modern Studies Research Guide. In case your browser does not redirect you, there may be an issue with our access system. History and Influence, A Survey of Manuscripts Illuminated in the British Isles, A Survey of Manuscripts Illuminated in France, Théorie de l'art (1400-1800) / Art Theory (1400-1800), Thesaurus formarum totius latinitatis a Plauto usque ad saeculum XXum, Thesaurus Linguae Scriptorum Operumque Latino-Belgicorum Medii Aevi, Typologie des Sources du Moyen Âge Occidental, Ut per litteras apostolicas ... Papal Letters - CD/DVD, Ut per litteras apostolicas ... Papal Letters - online, Westfield Publications in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, XIX: Studies in 19th-Century Art and Visual Culture, Medieval & Renaissance History (c.400-1500), Brepolis Medieval & Early Modern Bibliographies (2021), Brepolis Medieval & Early Modern Bibliographies (2020). Nottingham Medieval Studies was first issued in 1957 and published its fiftieth volume in 2006. Brepolis is the home of all online projects of Brepols Publishers and its partners, aimed at the international community of humanities scholars.. Brepolis est le site des projets en ligne de Brepols Publishers et de ses partenaires, destiné à la communauté internationale de la recherche et des études en sciences humaines.. Description. Religious cohabitation in European towns (10th-15th centuries), Les ports des mers nordiques à l’époque viking (VIIe-Xe siècle), Synesios von Kyrene: Politik – Literatur – Philosophie, © 2021 Brepols Publishers NV/SA - All Rights Reserved. on all aspects of medieval studies and covering publications in over 30 languages. Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Issues. Leading bibliography of the European Middle Ages (c. 400-1500), provides records to articles, scholarly notes, etc. Premodern history abounds with printed reference books: encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, bibliographies, yearbooks, and so on. Together they provide access to 14 centuries of European history from 300 to 1700. Combines records from the International Medieval Bibliography, Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale and International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance. The MEMS subject guide lists relevant resources and is a good gateway to our digital library collections. We are glad to announce that the International Medieval Bibliography, the Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale and the International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance are now searchable through one unique search screen. Combines records from the International Medieval Bibliography, Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale and International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance. Brepolis Medieval & Early Modern Bibliographies gathers together the International Medieval Bibliography, the Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale, the International Directory of Medievalists, and the International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance. Information and help about Brepolis - the home of Brepols' Online Databases Brepolis portal. Access the International Medieval Bibliography and Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale. IV-X), Corpus Latinum Commentariorum in Aristotelem Graecorum, Corpus Latinum Commentariorum in Aristotelem Graecorum. des Sciences, Publications de l'Encyclopédie Bénédictine, Publications de l'Institut d'Études Médiévales - Montréal, Publications of the Belgian Royal Library, Publications of the Dictionary of Old English, Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin, Publications of Medieval Texts (Outside a Series), Publications of the Research Centre for Illuminated Manuscripts, Publications de la Société Internationale de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur la Renaissance, Recherches augustiniennes et patristiques, Recherches sur les Réceptions de l'Antiquité, Recherches sur les Rhétoriques Religieuses, Reference Works for the Study of Mediaeval Civilization, Religion and Law in Medieval Christian and Muslim Societies, Reliures médiévales des bibliothèques de France (IRHT), Renaissance Literature (Outside a Series), Répertoire Iconographique de la Littérature du Moyen Age, Répertoire international des médiévistes - International Directory of Medievalists, Répertoire des traductions françaises des Pères de l'Église - online, Repertory of Fifteenth Century Flemish Painting, Revue d'Etudes Augustiniennes et Patristiques, Rewriting the Middle Ages in the Twentieth Century, RFIC Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica, Royal Museums for Art and History, Brussels / Dutch version, Royal Museums for Art and History, Brussels / French version, Rural economy and society in north-western Europe, 500-2000, Seminari del Centro interuniversitario per la storia e l’archeologia dell’alto medioevo, Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies Papers, Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages, Staging and Dramaturgy: Opera and The Performing Arts, Studi di poesia latina - Studies of Latin Poetry, Studiën & Tekstuitgaven van Ons Geestelijk Erf, Studies in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology, Studies in European Urban History (1100-1800), Studies in the History of Daily Life (800-1600), Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History, Studies in Palmyrene Archaeology and History, Studies in Viking and Medieval Scandinavia, Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages, Studies on the Faculty of Arts. Ancient History & Archaeology (Outside a Series), Anthologies de textes et documents missionnaires, Antiquité Tardive - Late Antiquity - Spätantike - Tarda Antichità, Architecture and the Arts in Early Modern Italy, Archive of Celtic Latin Literature - online, Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Association Internationale d'Etudes Occitanes, Atelier de recherche sur les textes médiévaux, Bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen Âge Tardif, Bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen Âge Tardif - Online, Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale - online, Bibliographie Internationale de l’Humanisme et de la Renaissance - printed version, Bibliography of British and Irish History - online, Biblioteca Bio-bibliografica della Terra Santa e dell'Oriente Francescano, Bibliotheca Manuscripta Monasteriorum Belgii, Bibliothèque d'histoire culturelle du Moyen Âge, Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sciences Religieuses, Bibliothèque (Institut Historique belge de Rome), Bibliothèque de la Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, Brepolis Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies Online, Brepolis Religion (Bibliographies and Encyclopaedias) Online, Brepols Collected Essays in European Culture, Bulletin de l'Association Internationale des Études Patristiques, Bulletin de l'Institut Historique belge de Rome, Byzantioς. The International Medieval Bibliographywas founded in 1967 with the support of the Medieval Academy of America, with the aim of providing a comprehensive, current bibliography of articles in journals and miscellany volumes (conference proceedings, essay collections or Festschriften) worldwide. ... Brepolis Medieval Bibliographies. Catalogues, Manuscrits enluminés des anciens Pays-Bas méridionaux, Manuscrits enluminés d'origine germanique, Marcel Proust. Covers journal articles, book reviews, and essays in books about women, sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages. Brepolis Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies gathers together the International Medieval Bibliography, the Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale, and the Inter-national Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance. Among our many e-resources are: Brepolis Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies – records from the International Medieval Bibliography, Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale and International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance covering European … Brepolis Information. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, Cappellae Apostolicae Sixtinaeque Collectanea, Acta, Monumenta, Catalogue des manuscrits notés du Moyen Age conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France, Catalogue of Byzantine Manuscripts in their Liturgical Context, Catalogue of Early Netherlandish Painting: Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries, Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum, La Chanson de Roland - The Song of Roland: The French Corpus, Château Gaillard. Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Description. Series A: Antiquities and Architecture, The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo. © 2021 Brepols Publishers NV/SA - All Rights Reserved. In the past few decades, a number of online resources have come to supplement essential print reference tools in ancient, medieval, and early modern history (including resources for Byzantium and the Islamic World). © 2001-2021, Brepols Publishers NV - All rights reserved. The International Medieval Bibliography is the leading bibliography of articles concerning the European Middle Ages (c. 450-1500), drawn from the regular coverage of over 4,500 periodicals and miscellany volumes. Brepolis Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies. International Medieval Bibliography (IMB) BREPOLiS databases | About Brepolis – A direct link to the Database of Latin Dictionaries (which integrates different types of Latin dictionaries, whether modern, medieval or early-modern… We are pleased to announce that a new enhanced design of the hitlist is available in our Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies (International Medieval Bibliography, Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale and International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance). Access the International Medieval Bibliography and Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale. Its editorial staff is based at the Institute for Medieval Studies at the University of Leeds, and the project is supported by over 50 t… It was and remains an interdisciplinary journal for studies of European history and literature from Late Antiquity through to the Reformation. Annotated Bibliography: Medieval and Early Modern Queenship Please include a screenshot of the page, your current time (including timezone) and your IP-address. Records from the International Medieval Bibliography, Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale and International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance are accessible in one search providing access … International Medieval Bibliography and the - Bibliogra phie de civilisation médiévale British and Irish History, (covering the Middle Ages), and the International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance (covering Early Modern History) cover more than … Resources for Medieval, Renaissance and Early Modern Studies. Combines records from the International Medieval Bibliography, Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale and International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance. Together, these 3 bibliographies cover 14 centuries of European History and give access to almost 900,000 records! Brepolis Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies. MEMS subject guide. - 2021-01-03T21:33:28 In case a price is not available, please contact us for a quote. Click on "Enter Databases." La parenté au Moyen Age, History of the Christian Church (Outside a Series), Illuminated Manuscripts and Incunabula in Cambridge, An Index of Images in English Manuscripts from Chaucer to Henry VIII, Index Scriptorum Operumque Latino-Belgicorum Medii Aevi, Inner and Central Asian Art and Archaeology, International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance - online, International Center for Medieval Art : Monographs, International Federation of Rock Art Organisations, International Medieval Bibliography - CD/DVD, International Medieval Bibliography - online, International Medieval Bibliography - printed version, Inventaris van het Kunstpatrimonium van de Provincie Antwerpen, Journal for the History of Environment and Society, The Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology, Judaïsme ancien et origines du christianisme, Knowledge, Scholarship, and Science in the Middle Ages, Language: Grammars & Dictionaries (Outside a Series), Latin Language & Literature (Outside a Series), Latin Works of Raimundus Lullus in Catalan, Manuscripta Publications in Manuscript Research, Manuscrits en caractères hébreux conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France. - 2021-01-03T14:07:25 … The new hitlist provides full bibliographical details and extra sorting options. Brepolis Medieval Encyclopaediasgathers together the … Brepolis Medieval & Early Modern Bibliographies (2020), Brepolis Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies Online, Medieval & Renaissance History (c.400-1500), La cohabitation religieuse dans les villes Européennes, Xe - XVe siècles. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East, Palaeography, Manuscript Studies & Book History (Outside a Series), The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo. ... Brepolis Medieval Bibliographies. Series C: Prints, Papers on Archaeology from The Leiden Museum of Antiquities, Philosophie hellénistique et romaine / Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy, Philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions of the Middle Ages, Les Principaux Manuscrits à Peinture de la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, The Print Collection of the Royal Library of Belgium, Proceedings of the International Summer School on Christian Apocryphal Literature E-book Only, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, Les Pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament, Publications de l'Association Internationale d'Etudes Occitanes, Publications du Centre Européen d’Etudes Bourguignonnes (XIVe-XVIe s.), Publications du Centre de recherches archéologiques et historiques anciennes et médiévales, Publications du Comité des Fouilles Belges en Egypte, Publications du comité national de Logique, d'Histoire et de Phil. Brepolis Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies - YouTube Covers journal articles, book reviews, and essays in books about women, sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages. © 2001-2021, Brepols Publishers NV - All rights reserved. - 2021-01-03T16:22:06 (*) Prices in Euro, excluding taxes and shipping costs. Brepolis Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies. Brepolis Medieval and Early Modern Bibliographies Online: Brepolis Medieval Bibliographies Online: Brepolis Medieval Encyclopaedias Online: ... International Medieval Bibliography - printed version: International Medieval Research: Inventaris van het Kunstpatrimonium van de Provincie Antwerpen: Archaeology and Material culture in the Low Countries, Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology, Medieval Identities: Socio-Cultural Spaces, Medieval Latin & Vernacular Literature: Studies (Outside a Series), Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe, MediTo - Archaeological and Historical Landscapes of Mediterranean Central Italy, Modern & Contemporary History (Outside a Series), Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae - Corpus Scriptorum de Re Musica, Music History and Performance: Practices in Context, Musique : Sources – Recherche – Interprétation, The Normativity of Sacred Images in Early Modern Europe, Nouvelle histoire de la littérature latine, Oudheidkundige mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden, Outremer. © 2001-2021, Brepols Publishers NV - All rights reserved. Etudes de castellologie médiévale, Classical Language & Literature (Outside a Series), Collectionner la musique - Collecting Music, Collections of the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden, Comparative Rural History Network- Publications, Contributions to the Study of the Flemish Primitives, Corpus architecturae religiosae europeae (saec. Brepolis Medieval and Early Modern. The IBHR is a continuation of the Bibliographie internationale de l'Humanisme et de la Renaissance, coordinated and published by Librairie Droz since 1965.
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